Nottoway County (VA) Public Schools
Announcement of Superintendent Search
The School Board of Nottoway County (VA) Public Schools invites applications and nominations for the position of Superintendent.
Nottoway County is located in the south-central portion of Virginia, bounded by the counties of Amelia to the north, Dinwiddie to the east, Brunswick and Lunenburg to the south, and Prince Edward to the west. The county's land area is 315 square miles or approximately 200,000 acres with a population of 15,434. Nottoway County is a pleasant balance of open spaces and friendly towns, a wealth of natural resources, and a dynamic location for industries servicing the region, the continent and the world. For more information, visit
Nottoway County Public Schools are on a MISSION to be a dedicated and inclusive community providing a safe educational foundation to ensure all students learn, develop, and thrive in a healthy, supportive, and engaging environment by forming partnerships with students, families, schools and community.
Budget: $34,000,000
PK-12 Total Student Enrollment: 1763
Full Time Personnel: 322
Part Time Personnel: 14
On Time Graduation Rate: 98.3 %
Schools: The division consists of 3 elementary schools, 1 middle school, 1 high school, and 1 technical center.
Web Site:
The School Board surveyed its parents, employees, and community members. Listed below are the primary areas of interest our Board and citizens would like to see in their new Superintendent:
Demonstrates student academic progress and a strong record of successful experience in the areas of instruction and curriculum, discipline, strategic planning and continuous improvement, and budget and finance.
A team player, decisive leader, and motivator who is a good listener, accessible, accountable, and consistent.
Effectively mediates and accommodates different perspectives, presents a united front to staff and community, and understands the differences between policy and administration and acts accordingly.
Effectively advocates school issues and needs, communicates effectively on both private and public levels, and responds to individual concerns in an appropriate manner. Innovative in matters that concern student well-being.
Ability to maintain open channels of communication, creates an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, and supports staff development activities and encourages professional growth. Keeps the board informed on matters impacting Nottoway County Public Schools.
Must be able to lobby for school funding on behalf of the school division, develop and explain rationale for budget to the School Board and local officials and closely supervise budget development and procedures.
Experience in writing, gaining acceptance of, and administrating state or federal grants.
Experience as a principal is required. An earned doctorate is required. Experience as an assistant superintendent or equivalent is strongly preferred. Work experience in Virginia is strongly preferred. It is preferred that the candidate reside in Nottoway County within a reasonable timeframe after assuming the position or as worked out with the board.
Candidates must meet the legal requirements to be licensed or be eligible for licensure as a superintendent in Virginia. Questions concerning the eligibility requirements should be directed to the Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure, State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218-2120, Telephone: (804) 750-8190.
Commensurate with experience and qualifications.
To apply, visit:
Completed applications are due by March 28, 2025
Candidates should not make contact with school board members. Inquiries should be directed to Gina Patterson, executive director, Virginia School Boards Association, 200 Hansen Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911, 434-295-8722 or
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