Giles County (VA) Superintendent Search
Job Type | Superintendent |
Member Organization | Giles County |
Status | Current |
Web Posting Start Date | March 5, 2025 |
Closing Date | March 31, 2025 |
Attachments | Giles_Announcement_2025_FINAL.pdf |
Notes | Giles County (VA) Public Schools The School Board of Giles County (VA) Public Schools invites applications and nominations for the position of Superintendent. THE COUNTY The county is known as “Virginia’s Mountain Playground.” 37 miles of the New River intersect the county offering numerous fishing and recreational opportunities. The county is filled with well-known hiking trails and other outdoor adventures. Giles County is the location of Mountain Lake, one of only two natural fresh water lakes in Virginia. The lake drains into Little Stony Creek, which passes over a waterfall known as The Cascades before reaching the New River. 50 miles of the Appalachian Trail pass through Giles County. THE DIVISION Budget: $52,000,000 QUALIFICATIONS
Leadership and Management Skills: The successful candidate is a decisive leader and team player who is comfortable with shared decision-making. He or she is a visionary and a creative thinker. Personal Characteristics: The successful candidate is a good listener, accessible, accountable, and consistent. Board-Superintendent Relations: The successful candidate is willing to assume a lead role in decision-making while keeping the board informed, effectively mediates and accommodates different perspectives, and understands differences between policy and administration and acts accordingly. Staff Relations: The successful candidate maintains open channels of communications to and from staff, creates an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, and supports staff development activities and encourages professional growth. Community Relations: The successful candidate effectively advocates school issues and needs, communicates effectively on both private and public levels, and responds to individual concerns in an appropriate manner. School Finance: The successful candidate develops and explains rationale for budget to the Board and local officials, lobbies for school funding on behalf of the school division, and closely supervises budget development and procedures. Areas of Expertise: The successful candidate must have a willingness to develop and expand curriculum and instruction, strategic planning and continuous improvement, and budget and finance. Candidates must meet the legal requirements to be licensed or be eligible for licensure as a superintendent in Virginia. Questions concerning the eligibility requirements should be directed to the Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure, State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218-2120, Telephone: (804) 750-8190. SALARY APPLICATION PROCEDURES Completed applications are due by March 31, 2025 Candidates should not make contact with school board members. Inquiries should be directed to Gina Patterson, executive director, Virginia School Boards Association, 200 Hansen Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911, 434-295-8722 or Equal Opportunity Employer |